Soulistic Hospice

A Nonprofit Service


A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Service
Category: Community

The Importance of Comfort in Advanced Illness Management

The Importance of Comfort in Advanced Illness Management Post Image

Hospice care and palliative care have similar goals when it comes to helping patients. Both forms of care want to provide comfort to the patient, in whatever ways help them the most. When it comes to advanced illness management, we don’t see these patients as another medical chart for us to analyze and move on from. These patients are human beings going through, arguably, the toughest obstacle they’ve faced in their lives. We’re going to talk a little bit about the importance of comfort in advanced illness management so you can gain a better understanding of why we work so hard to provide it to our patients.

Higher Quality of Life

Someone with a serious or advanced illness deserves to enjoy their life just as much as anyone else does. Providing the right comfort for someone in advanced illness management can make them feel less lost and provide a sense of hope. When it comes down to it, no one wants to deal with an illness or spend their last days uncomfortable in a hospital bed. We can provide a higher quality of life by providing the comforts that these patients may not normally get when dealing with their advanced illnesses.

Relieving Physical and Mental Stress

Patients with an advanced illness have enough on their minds as it is. The importance of comfort in advanced illness management relates to reducing the number of stressors that the patient must deal with in their day-to-day life. Managing a serious illness can take a lot of time, energy, and effort, to the point where the patient may not even have the ability to comfort themselves. With the right advanced illness management program, we can reduce the physical pain and mental stress the patient needs to go through.

Providing Peace of Mind To Family Members

The family members of those in advanced illness management also go through a lot of stress and worry about their loved ones. When the patient’s family members are confident that their loved one is not only taken care of but actually comfortable, it provides a sense of peace that comes from knowing they did all they could.

At Soulistic Hospice, we are dedicated to ensuring that everyone we take care of is truly comfortable. We know how important comfort is to managing an illness, and we’re proud to provide that comfort to our patients.

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"I chose Soulistic for my mother and 100% recommend their services to anyone."
~ Blanca M.

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Our Offices

We have two convenient locations:

Soulistic Hospice Tucson Location Office

Tucson, AZ Location

2344 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85719

Contact Info
Call: 520-398-2333 Fax: (520) 398-9524
Coverage Areas
Pima County
Tubac Soulistic Hospice Location Office

Tubac, AZ Location

18 Calle Iglesia
Tubac, AZ 85646-1990

Contact Info
Call: 520-398-2333 Fax: (520) 398-9524
Coverage Areas
Santa Cruz County